Package 'AntMAN'

Title: Anthology of Mixture Analysis Tools
Description: Fits finite Bayesian mixture models with a random number of components. The MCMC algorithm implemented is based on point processes as proposed by Argiento and De Iorio (2019) <arXiv:1904.09733> and offers a more computationally efficient alternative to reversible jump. Different mixture kernels can be specified: univariate Gaussian, multivariate Gaussian, univariate Poisson, and multivariate Bernoulli (latent class analysis). For the parameters characterising the mixture kernel, we specify conjugate priors, with possibly user specified hyper-parameters. We allow for different choices for the prior on the number of components: shifted Poisson, negative binomial, and point masses (i.e. mixtures with fixed number of components).
Authors: Priscilla Ong [aut, edt], Raffaele Argiento [aut], Bruno Bodin [aut, cre], Maria De Iorio [aut]
Maintainer: Bruno Bodin <[email protected]>
License: MIT + file LICENSE
Version: 1.1.0
Built: 2024-11-06 04:27:03 UTC

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